It is always exciting to bring a new fur baby into the home but there are a few things you should understand beforehand if you haven’t done this before.

Make sure you have everything they need and decide where they will sleep for the few weeks until they feel safe and secure.

In a cattery environment, we wait until our guests are comfortable and confident within their surroundings before we engage with them and only one staff member at a time to begin with as gaining their trust helps them feel more relaxed.

Meeting the whole family may be too much at once.  It is a good idea to let your fur baby settle in one room and let them explore the different things around them, bed, litter box etc.  Slowly introduce one family member at a time to say hello and have a gentle pat for a brief moment. It maybe overwhelming for them initially but just be patient, calm and let them come to you when they feel comfortable.   

For the four legged introduction this should also be done slowly and one at a time.  If you already have a dog (size doesn’t matter) have them on a leash so you have control of them if they become too excited or aggressive.  Sometimes it is best to have the kitten or cat in it’s carrier as this will prevent them from running away and triggering a chase reaction.

If you already have another cat, follow the same procedure but without the leash.  As long as both cats are friendly you can allow them to get to know each other a little more.  Keep initial introductions brief and praise both for their good behaviour.  As they become more comfortable with each other the contact can be longer but if there are any signs of aggression, remove the new arrival from the room and try again later.  But don’t despair if this happens, it may take a few more introductions before they become comfortable with each other.