So, you’ve done your googles, researched the many types of fur baby’s that are available through breeders, rescue organisations and have decided on a kitten or older cat that would fit purrfectly into your family.
If purchasing from a reputable cattery breeder, make sure you understand not only the strengths but also the weaknesses of that breed and are able to view the parents whether it be in Melbourne, Geelong or the Surfcoast.
If you choose to adopt from a rescue cattery find out as much information about the previous history, although this may not be possible as the cat or kitten may have been surrendered, found or in some cases dumped. A rescue centre such as Geelong Animal Rescue ( GAR ) will provide this information where possible.
Once you have made your choice you will need to prepare your home for your new fur baby’s arrival. You will need a strong, secure carrier for transporting your fur baby home but also for future vet visits or boarding at your local cattery if required. A couple of sleeping options is also ideal as they can be fussy and will usually go back to a favourite spot. At our boarding cattery we provide different levels of sleeping options for all guests and this is also advisable at home as well as a nice warm blanket and a comfortable bed. Another item to have on hand is a scratching post which is a must if you like your furniture, but keep in mind that some cats are vertical and others horizontal scratchers, so providing both is a safe option but you will soon know what their personal preference is.
It is good practice to know what plants are toxic to cats if you have them in and around your home and make sure it is a safe environment for your fur baby.
Most cats are playful so some form of stimulation will help keep them happy. A cat tunnel, toy mice, balls, feather teaser and a laser pointer are a great start to entertaining your new arrival but there is so much more available now so have a good look around.
Be kind and gentle to your fur baby and enjoy the love and entertainment they will share with you.