Cats can be most entertaining to watch as they play. At the cattery we have found that evening time is usually when our fur guests play havoc and turn everything upside down in their room in about 20 minutes, then just as quickly fall asleep as if nothing happened. First there is a certain look in their eyes, big as saucers like they are possessed, making strange little sounds followed by short sprints of crazyness around the room.
Our own cats are the same and when they start, this is the time our dog gets very nervous and scurrys for his bed, he knows what’s about to happen. You can see the look on his face thinking ‘look out the crazy cat is being possessed again’. The wild streak is unleashed and any object is a potential target. heads, feet, dog whatever is in the way. It’s hilarious!!
Our cattery provides play toys as well as many levels for our guests to run up and down with plenty of floor space for play. Some cats that have stayed with us are so quiet during the day only to release their inner demon at night, spend their energy chasing their imagination to exhaustion before settling in for the night.
Cats do love to play and if you pick up on their cues you can make it a fun time for you and them, so have your fur baby’s favourite toys at the ready and a camera for when the 20 minute dash is off and running.. You might catch some very impressive footage and have a lot of fun as well.